As mentioned in cut-out cartoon character creation tutorial, the complexity of the cut-out character depends on how you use it. You do not need to build up a very complex cut-out character if you simply want to do some very simple and rough animation. Therefore think what you want the cut-out character to do before creating it.

Walk Cycle Animation Example

The most common animation should be the walk cycle. The smoothness of the walk animation depends on the number of poses and frames composing the walk cycle. In theory the most basic walk cycle can be as simple as 2 frames, and a smooth walk cycle may be composed of 16 or more frames.

The completed animation is shown as below:

Walk Cycle Animation Video Tutorial

Walk Cycle Animation Tutorial Tips

Walk animation seems complicated to many people. However if you break the walk cycle into some simple poses, especially focus on the key poses, the animation becomes much easier.

The key poses (most important poses) are the beginning pose of 1st step, end of 1st step (also beginning pose of 2nd step) and the end of 2nd step. Please see the following diagrams. If you do not require much of the walk animation, this animation can be finished here.

If you require a smoother walk animation, you can add more poses between the three most important poses mentioned above. With the same rule apply, the next important key poses are the poses between the most important poses as shown in this tutorial.

With this key-poses-breakdown method, a basic walk animation can be done much easier.


Run Cycle Animation Example

The next common animation should be the run cycle. Same as the walk animation the smoothless of run animation depends on the number of poses and frames composing the run cycle. In theory the most basic run cycle can be as simple as 2 frames, and a smooth run cycle may be composed of 16 or more frames.

The completed animation is shown as below:

Run Cycle Animation Video Tutorial

Run Cycle Animation Tutorial Tips

The run cycle is same as the walk cycle except that the poses are more exaggerated.
